Depending on your jurisdiction, you may qualify for the following benefits.
Benefits and their associated premiums may be packaged or sold individually.

New Vehicle Total Loss Benefit
Optiom will pay the difference between the market value of your vehicle at the time of the loss and the MSRP of a brand new, equivalent model replacement vehicle.
Used Vehicle Total Loss Benefit
Optiom will pay the difference between the market value of your vehicle at the time of the loss and your vehicle’s value at policy inception.

Total Loss Deductible
Reimbursement Benefit
If you should have to pay a deductible on your primary auto insurance policy, Optiom will reimburse you up to $500 in the event of a total loss.
Key Fob Reimbursement Benefit
If your vehicle’s key fob should be lost or stolen, Optiom will reimburse you up to $500 for the cost to replace it.

Rental Vehicle Reimbursement Benefit
If your rental coverage runs out with your primary insurer, get up to $1500 reimbursed annually to continue with your rental, uninterrupted.
Partial Loss Deductible Reimbursement Benefit
Did you have to pay a deductible? Get up to $500 reimbursed every time.

Partial Loss OEM Benefit
Covers the additional cost of parts and labour for OEM parts in a repairable loss.
Diminished Vehicle Value Benefit
Recuperate some of the lost value of your car if you suffer a no-fault repairable loss.

Vehicle Value Appreciation Benefit
Increase your locked in vehicle value by 5% per year if you write off your car.